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/ Gold Medal Software 2 / Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso / games / cga / dob111.arj / DOB111.EXE / IDEMS.DAT < prev    next >
Text File  |  1992-04-29  |  5KB  |  163 lines

  1.  161 
  2. diary of dice*          KFfFFF
  3. stick of wood*          ZFFIGF
  4. large ax*               xFFPNH
  5. rope*                   ZFFFFF
  6. fire bomb*              PFOF`F
  7. lamp*                   dFFFFK
  8. can of beer*            PJFFFL
  9. bomb*                   TFOFnF
  10. piece of meat*          PEFFFF
  11. roasted meat*           OKNFFF
  12. piece of jerky*         IKNFFF
  13. coin*                   GFFFFM
  14. box of matches*         HFFFFN
  15. chicken egg*            IGFFFF
  16. cooked egg*             IKNFFF
  17. iron wire*              KFOFFF
  18. lighter*                HFFFFO
  19. cigarettes*             IFFFFP
  20. cigar*                  GFFFFQ
  21. explosive*              PFFFFF
  22. fuse*                   GFOFFF
  23. detonator*              GFOFFF
  24. pine cone*              HFFFFF
  25. bottle of bleach*       ZFFFFF
  26. bottle of gas*          ZFFFFF
  27. bottle of water*        ZJFFFF
  28. bottle of ammonia*      ZFFFFF
  29. lump of saltpetre*      PFOFFF
  30. bottle*                 LFFFFF
  31. bag of sugar*           PGFFFR
  32. silk string*            GFFFFF
  33. combat knife*           ]FFOLS
  34. stack of mail*          GFFFFF
  35. mess kit*               MFFFFT
  36. candy bar*              KIFFFU
  37. backpack*               xFFFFF
  38. bottle of iodine*       ZFFFFF
  39. fishing pole*           dFOFFF
  40. charcoal*               KFFFFF
  41. flash light*            SFFFFW
  42. small battery*          IFFFFX
  43. candle*                 IFFFFF
  44. bottle of old wine*     ZJFFFF
  45. pair of glasses*        HFFFFY
  46. bottle of sulfur*       ZFFFFF
  47. aspirin tablet*         HGSFFF
  48. string*                 IFOFFF
  49. bottle of gunpowder*    ZFOFFF
  50. saltlick*               qGFFFF
  51. barbed wire*            RFFFFF
  52. geiger counter*         FFFFF[
  53. Pisro Scroll*           GF[FFF
  54. scottys diary*          GF\FFF
  55. The Al Azef*            IF]FFF
  56. diary of bob*           GF^FFF
  57. diary of uri*           GF_FFF
  58. spark coil*             aFFFFa
  59. violet ray machine*     iFFFFb
  60. magneto*                ëFFFFc
  61. loading coil*           eFFFFd
  62. lock pick*              GFOFFF
  63. copper wire*            IFOFFF
  64. bull whip*              ^FFLFf
  65. topcoat*                [FFFFg
  66. rain coat*              ]FFFFh
  67. wool coat*              oFFFFi
  68. shirt*                  LFFFFF
  69. pair of pants*          RFFFFF
  70. hip boots*              cFFFFF
  71. tophat*                 OFFFFF
  72. deer stalker hat*       QFFFFF
  73. fadora*                 NFFFFF
  74. leather jacket*         eFFFFF
  75. blanket*                dFFFFF
  76. bottle of acid*         ZFOFWF
  77. piece of bird dung*     PFFFFF
  78. piece of cow dung*      PFFFFF
  79. dry cow pie*            PFFFFF
  80. tube of grease*         JFFFFF
  81. shovel*                 _FFMFF
  82. green glowing stone*    LFFGHF
  83. small stone*            MFFGHF
  84. scorched grass*         IFFFFF
  85. bottled swamp water*    ZEFFFF
  86. foxglove plant*         JCFFFF
  87. mushroom*               HGFFFF
  88. toadstool*              HEFFFF
  89. cat tail root*          KGFFFF
  90. snow plant*             LEFFFF
  91. tuff of moss*           IGFFFF
  92. mandrake root*          MCFFFF
  93. ear of corn*            KIFFFF
  94. tango weed*             IDFFFF
  95. bottle of spores*       IGFFFF
  96. sprig poison ivy*       JDFFFF
  97. piece of oak bark*      JEFFFF
  98. deadly hemlock*         JCFFFF
  99. bunch of berries*       PHFFFF
  100. red apple*              NIFFFF
  101. Sussex Mystro*          IF`FFF
  102. old diary*              GFaFFF
  103. sucker fish*            PDFFFF
  104. piece of seaweed*       KGFFFF
  105. jelly fish*             WEFFFF
  106. bottle of sea water*    ZEFFFF
  107. piece of wreckage*      dFFFFj
  108. cod fish*               VHFFFF
  109. mussel*                 MGFFFF
  110. clam*                   LHFFFF
  111. roasted fish*           LKNFFF
  112. clam chowder*           NKNFFF
  113. roasted sucker fish*    LKNFFF
  114. steamed clam*           LKNFFF
  115. steamed mussel*         MKNFFF
  116. healing broth drink*    ZJSFFF
  117. power drink*            ZJSFFF
  118. stomotic elixer drug*   ZJSFFF
  119. blood purifying drug*   PJSFFF
  120. ginas necture drug*     ZJSFFF
  121. johns nasa bane drug*   KJSFFF
  122. reckbockix elixer*      PJSFFF
  123. sheet of paper*         GFFFFF
  124. mission journal*        RFbFFF
  125. mob journal*            GFcFFF
  126. vela diary*             GFdFFF
  127. The Fishbeast*          GFeFFF
  128. trlex gas bomb*         ZFOFFF
  129. smoke bomb*             ZFOFFF
  130. map*                    IFFFFF
  131. sonic shock gun*        áFFFFF
  132. spear*                  [FOIMF
  133. odd artifact*           ñFFFFF
  134. short sword*            éFFUIF
  135. p vortex inductor*      ÅFFFFF
  136. hormonic emi sender*    îFFFFF
  137. ticroic drug*           PJFFFF
  138. corodean gas maker*     \FFFFF
  139. altra generator*        hFFFFF
  140. metal foil*             GFFFFF
  141. metal bar*              GFFFFF
  142. vault key*              ]FFFFF
  143. extorneutronic gun*     sFFFFF
  144. scalar altogenerater*   îFFFFF
  145. firecracker*            HFOFHF
  146. 45 cal revolver*        xFFFFF
  147. 30 0 6 rifle*           ¬FFFFF
  148. 12 gauge shotgun*       ¬FFFFF
  149. 20 gauge shotgun*       ûFFFFF
  150. 22 cal rifle*           îFFFFF
  151. 7 mm auto*              eFFFFF
  152. 22 cal automatic*       ZFFFFF
  153. 32 cal revolver*        iFFFFF
  154. 44 cal rifle*           ¬FFFFF
  155. 45 cal shell*           HFFFFF
  156. 30 0 6 shell*           IFFFFF
  157. 12 gauge shell*         IFFFFF
  158. 20 gauge shell*         HFFFFF
  159. 22 cal shell*           GFFFFF
  160. 7 mm shell*             GFFFFF
  161. 32 cal shell*           HFFFFF
  162. 44 cal shell*           IFFFFF